Adventuress, philanthropist, entrepreneur..

I wish to share my exploration, understanding and interest of all things 'Steampunk'. I am a novice to this genre so, as I explore, you can come with me and also deepen your understanding. If you wish, you can guide and assist.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Return of the prodigal..

All work and no play makes this lady a very dull girl indeed! But here I am with a little light entertainment.. a teaser to get you into the mood for more Steampunkery. Take this test and tell me who you are in the world of Salmagundi  . As you will see from the link, "Salmagundi is one of the Cities of Ether, a steampunk and pulp-noir setting created by author G. D. Falksen. This quiz is designed to see which major character you are from the serial "The Strange Case of the All-Seeing Ear", featured in The Willows Magazine. " Mr. Falksen's website is here

It said I was Arcanist-Major Edmund Ras (the Sorcerer) Hmmmm 

I DO recommend you make yourself acquainted with Mr Falksen. I am indeed very busy, but have been working on a milinery project, the results of which will be worn at the Asylum in September. TTFN My dears XX

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Danse Macabre's Curiosity Fair

One's Bank Holiday ennui was averted today by those wonderful people in Danse Macabre Their Curiosity Fair was a bijou event of huge promise. One's cash-flow was again challenged by the craft and artistry on offer. Special mention must be made of Sacre-Coeur and Cognitive Designs. It was a good thing that it was a cash-only affair as the temptation was very great. Donations on entry went to the Anthony Nolan Trust (Taking lives back from Leukemia)

Whitby Gothic Weekend 22-25 April

Well, my dears, what a wonderful sojourn in glorious Whitby. I never tire of visiting this lovely seaside town but WGW was my first adventure into this wonderful festival of all things Gothic and Steampunk. 

The Bizarre Bazaar in the Pavilion Complex and Spa was packed with delights; particularly Engineers of Desire. Their inventiveness was truly inspiring. Bride and Gloom (what a wonderful name) had the most stunning costumes; worth divorcing and remarrying for!(His Lordship won't mind me saying that, I'm sure).

Steampunk found a home at the Rifle Club. More stalls and in the evening, admirable performances from talented artistes. Ghostfire particularly delighted one.

One did try to patronise as many industrious entrepreneurs as possible. Sadly, one's plastic only flexes so much.

October 28th-31st is the next opportunity to explore the delights of Whitby Gothic Weekend: perfect for Hallow E'en! Toodlepip X

An introduction

Welcome to one and all. To those of you for whom the name Arminta Fresche is not a household name, I owe an introduction as to the purpose of this journal, or as some like to term, 'Blog'. Those of you who have made my acquaintance might be asking "Why does dearest Minty (as my friends affectionately call me).. Why Does dearest Minty need to pen this missive when we already know her thoughts and intentions better than she does?". Well dear readers, this Lady wishes to share as widely as possible, her exploration, understanding and interest of all things 'Steampunk'. I am a novice to this genre so, as I explore, you can come with me and also deepen your understanding. If you wish, you can guide and assist. 

My friends will tell you that I dedicate my life to the betterment of the industrious classes. I hope that I can be a true patron and benefactress to the Steampunk world. Signing out for today dear readers. Au Revoir X